The theory that omega 3 in fish may be behind better mood and brain health has been present for ages. Why though? From studying communities that make fish a primary part of their diet to conducting comprehensive studies—scientists have come to the conclusion that omega 3 fish oil may have a lot more in store for your health!

If your diet is lacking a good amount of fatty fish or fish oil supplements as a convenient alternative, perhaps it is about time to make a change. On one hand, there are milder mental health issues such as unexplainable glumness and resulting lethargy. Anxiety, depression, mood disorders, and mental health concerns are also prevalent. And while the roles of therapy and medication remain significant, there’s no reason why you should not go for extra help. After all, there is enough research to back up the hype!

How Does Omega 3 Affect Your Brain & Mental Health? 

So, what is the connection between omega 3 and your nervous system that makes it a viable therapeutic supplement?

To put it simply, you’ve got two main types of omega 3 fatty acids, EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid). These fatty acids form part of cell membranes. Moreover, these contain anti-inflammatory properties, thus helpful in fighting free radicals that damage your cells. 

Then there is the fact that your brain is made up of 60 percent fat. Possessing the kind of composition that contributes to the brain and cells all over, the link between omega 3 fatty acids and mental health becomes clearer. 

Also, it’s been proven that EPA and DHA in those little gem-like omega 3 fish oil capsules have amazing benefits for heart health for the very reasons researchers suggest they are good for the brain.

There are a number of brain health issues that affect mood and energy—in many of which you can seek out omega 3 assistance.

  • Anxiety & Depression

If you are going through anxiety or depression, finding effective treatment is a priority. But that’s not all; you may also seek out non-medication intervention, whether for accessibility, affordability, or extra support. You may be in luck, as omega 3 fish oil has been speculated as valuable for lowering depression.,

A recent analysis of clinical studies has shed some light on this matter. Researchers find that taking omega 3 supplements can indeed provide some relief to people with depression, with results much like those of antidepressant medications. However, they also emphasize that taking omega 3 does not mean you stop taking antidepressants. Consider these nutrients as a supporting mechanism, one that uses EPA and DHA to work on depressive symptoms. 

As some studies suggest, the amazing effect of omega 3 comes from its impact on your serotonin level receptors in the brain. Other studies highlight omega 3’s anti-inflammatory properties as the basis of its positive effects on anxiety and depression.  

  • Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder is described by drastic shifts in energy, mood, and activity. For some people, these shifts are manic episodes, with the feeling of extreme irritability. For others, these are depressive episodes. 

You may be aware that the standard treatment for bipolar disorder involves medication and therapy. However, recent research highlights the potential benefits of nutrients such as omega 3 in managing this disorder. In a 2016 study, health experts found that omega 3’s anti-inflammatory properties may be helpful in alleviating symptoms of depression arising from bipolar disorder. Additionally, omega 3 fish oil supplements may also aid in preventing early psychosis, which involves abnormal thinking and loss of touch with reality. 

There’s more; a comprehensive study focusing on young adults at high risk of developing early psychosis revealed that omega 3s, particularly through fish oil supplements, may help restore abnormally low levels of this nutrient. By doing so, it can keep the disorder from going toward psychosis. 

  • Mild Memory Loss

There are numerous cases of age-related memory loss or memory loss occurring due to incidents or post-partum effects All of these have a huge effect someone’s everyday routine. Memory loss messes with one’s confidence and therefore overall liveliness.

So, a supplement that has the potential to enhance brain function would be a remarkable breakthrough, right? Fortunately, there is promising news regarding the incredible support that omega 3 fish oil can provide. The fatty acids EPA and DHA present in fish oil play vital roles in the functioning of the brain. 

Moreover, you will find many studies that suggest that fish oil may help with memory issues such as dementia. Researchers also found that omega 3 could aid brain function in case of mild cognitive impairment or age-related cognitive decline. 

A study of over 400 elders with cognitive decline involved consuming either 900 mg of DHA or a placebo. After 24 weeks, those who took DHA showed better performance in memory and learning tests. 

It’s obvious that fish oil supplements may be very advantageous. However, you should know that the early stage of brain function decline is the ideal window to provide maximum benefits to the brain.

Conclusion: Should You Take Omega 3 Fish Oil As A Mood & Energy Booster?

Why the need for omega 3 fish oil supplementation? Why not just rely on diet to improve your mood and energy?

The thing is, many people do not consume enough EPA and DHA, which are mainly found in fatty fish and fish oil. Limited fish intake leads to inadequate essential nutrients. The omega 3 you find in seeds and nuts contains primarily alpha-linolenic acid (ALA)—the third king of fatty acid. And sure, your body can convert into EPA and DHA…but this process is not very efficient. 

Therefore, for a healthy individual, fish alone may work to provide enough omega 3. However, if you need that extra mind boost, omega 3 is can be valuable. Also, if you suffer from anxiety, depression, memory loss, or any other cognitive issues, take omega 3 fish oil supplements. These may be the perfect way to gain exceptional health benefits.