“No amount of sleep” cannot alleviate the “bone-crushing weariness” experienced by those with chronic fatigue syndrome.

ME/CFS, also known as myalgic encephalomyelitis or myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome, affects women more often than males, usually between the ages of 25 and 45, but it may affect toddlers and adolescents as well.

According to the CDC, between 836,000 and 2.5 million Americans have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), although the majority of them remain misdiagnosed. CFS is estimated to cost the United States anything from $9 billion to $25 billion annually in lost productivity and medical expenditures, according to a study.

Working, going to the store, or taking care of the kids might be difficult if you have myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME), a condition that is also known as chronic fatigue syndrome. Treatment for CFS/ME may help you feel better and stronger, but the disease is genuine and frequently misunderstood. Patients and the general public need to know what some of the best experts in the field are saying.

Chronic fatigue isn’t rare

This condition affects many people, so don’t feel alone if you’re experiencing symptoms of it. Chronic fatigue syndrome is more frequent than lupus or multiple sclerosis, for example.

Chronic fatigue is not a psychological problem

Chronic fatigue syndrome is not a mental illness, despite the fact that there are increased cases of sadness and anxiety among CFS patients.

Chronic fatigue syndrome is not only known as CFS

Systemic exertion intolerance disease (SEID) is another name for this ailment. The reason for this is that physical or mental effort might provoke a flare-up of the illness. Myalgic encephalomyelitis is another medical term for CFS.

Age and gender are two of the most important risk factors

More than 85% of chronic fatigue syndrome patients are women. It is also more common in those over the age of 40 for the illness to begin. Stress and hormonal imbalances are known to contribute to the start of CFS, which may explain why women in their mid-thirties and forties account for the majority of patients. Some academics, on the other hand, believe that the number of males suffering from the disease may be more than previously thought.

CFS doesn’t mean you’re constantly Tired

Multiple signs and symptoms may be seen with this illness. It’s possible that you’re merely tired all the time because of too much work or not enough sleep. It takes a long time to get a formal diagnosis for CFS since there is no one test that can rule out other illnesses with comparable symptoms.

For CFS, the underlying cause hasn’t been fully explained

Research on the origins of fibromyalgia is ongoing. However, the start of the disease has been linked to a slew of conditions. Here are a few examples:

A severe injury to the head or neck may lead to the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in the months or years after the incident. An automobile accident, a sports injury, or an attack are all examples of incidents.

Epstein-Barr, murine leukemia, and herpesvirus 6 are among the viruses being studied, although no definite relationship has been established yet.

Disrupted Immunity – Immune system dysfunction is common in CFS patients. If this is a sickness sign or an immune system problem, it isn’t clear.

Changing your diet and habits may be helpful

CFS has no known cause, however, researchers have identified a variety of risk factors. Maintaining a regular sleep pattern is critical, as is obtaining at least eight hours of sleep each night. CFS patients’ immune systems are often impaired, thus a well-balanced diet is very critical. Do some physical activity every day, too. The symptoms of chronic fatigue may be made worse by a lack of physical activity, which can lead to joint discomfort and weight increase.

Exciting new developments for chronic fatigue syndrome patients

Upper cervical chiropractic, the natural kind of therapy we stated before, is a precise and delicate chiropractic specialization that few are acquainted with. Upper cervical chiropractic has been shown to enhance the quality of life of CFS patients, according to research published in 2012. Fibromyalgia and other chronic health conditions have also been helped by it.

Upper cervical chiropractic focuses on the base of the skull’s top two neck bones, the clavicle, and the acromion. Blood flow to the brain, brainstem function, and even CSF drainage may be harmed when these bones are out of place. Many people’s lives have been improved as a result of correcting this alignment issue.

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